采购合法生产的木材: 业务指南
En la búsqueda de madera producida legalmente: Una guía para las empresas
Approvisionnement en bois produit légalement: Guide pour les entreprises
FLA Newsletter No. 15 (August 2014)
Sourcing Legally Produced Wood: A Guide for Businesses
This booklet provides an overview of key legality issues in the global wood trade that businesses should consider when purchasing wood and paper-based products. Topics covered include trade regulations (e.g., the Lacey Act, the European Union Timber Regulation, and the Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition), public and private procurement policies, trade bans, and resources for meeting legality requirements.
FLA Newsletter No. 14 (February 2014)
FLA Newsletter No. 13 (November 2013)
Untangling the Paper Chain: How Staples Is Managing Transparency with Suppliers
FLA Newsletter No. 12 (July 2013)
FLA Newsletter No. 11 (April 2013)
The eleventh newsletter of the Forest Legality Alliance (April 2013) profiles case studies published by the Forest Legality Alliance on Honduran mahogany and IKEA's risk management approach in China. It also discusses the anti-deforestation pledges of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP). An additional article suggests some lessons from the Economist World Forests Summit in Stockholm.