
Oct 17 2022
Oct 21 2022
Forest Legality Week 2022
Versión en español, abajo
Version en français, ci-dessous

This year’s event took place in a hybrid format and focused on a range of topics, including an update on implementation of timber legality regulations, the evolving policy landscape for international cooperation on forest governance, an update on early warning systems for deforestation, policy responses to deforestation in commodity supply chains, timber traceability systems, and a regional focus on the Amazon basin.

Tuesday, October 18th 2022
1:00 pm to 1:30: Opening remarks
  • Alicia Grimes, United States Agency for International Development
  • Frances Seymour, World Resources Institute
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm: Regional focus: Amazon Basin - part 1 

This recording also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

3:15 pm to 5:00 pm: Regional focus: Amazon Basin - part 2 

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

Wednesday, October 19th 2022
8:30 am to 10:00 am: Regulating timber: updates and new developments  

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

10:30 am to 12:00 pm: International engagement on forest governance  

This recording is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm: Updates on early warning systems for monitoring forests 

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

3:30 pm to 5:00 pm: Timber traceability systems

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

Thursday, October 20th 2022
8:30 am to 10:00 am: Policy options for commodity supply chains: Recent developments  

Presentation with updates on proposed regulatory options in the EU, UK, and U.S., and short "discussion starter" presentations on challenges that need to be addressed, including smallholders, supply-side engagement, harmonization and alignment of policy proposals, and transparency, traceability and monitoring.

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

10:30 am to 12:00 pm: Policy options for commodity supply chains: Addressing challenges to effective policy design and implementation  

Panel discussion with respondents from various sectors (civil society, private sector, multi-stakeholder, etc.)

This recording is also available in FrenchSpanish and Portuguese

12:00 pm to 12:15 pm: Closing remarks (followed by lunch)
  • Craig Hanson, World Resources Institute


Hosted by WRI and partners and open to Forest Legality Week participants. Note that interpretation will not be provided unless explicitly mentioned in the event description.

Monday, October 17th 2022
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm: The Forest Data Partnership: Eliminating supply chain deforestation and catalyzing ecosystem restoration through better data
Hosted by the Forest Data Partnership (hybrid event)

This side event will provide an opportunity to learn more about the Forest Data Partnership, a 5-year partnership aiming to create conditions that enable all actors – governments, producers, traders, and financiers – to access consistent, open-source and validated geospatial data related to forest-risk commodities. Coordinated by the World Resources Institute (WRI) with support from USAID and the U.S. Department of State, the partnership brings together leading organizations, governments and private sector partners to collectively address the challenge of improving land use data. The partnership includes the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), SERVIR (a joint initiative of NASA, USAID and leading geospatial organizations), Google, and Unilever.

For more information about this side meeting, contact Sophie Labaste,

Monday, October 17th 2022
3:00 pm to 5:30 pm: Forest Legality as a Bipartisan Issue
Hosted by Climate Advisers (in-person)

Climate Advisers invites you to a panel and networking event to bring policymakers and industry together to support forests. The event will be held at the World Resources Institute headquarters as an official side event of Forest Legality Week. Come to hear insightful perspectives on why international forests are a bipartisan issue, highlighting conservative and bipartisan action on this issue such as Lacey Act Amendments, Trillion Trees Act, AMAZON21, and more. Attendees will engage with conservative forest champions, including former appointees of the Trump and Bush administrations, and experts from the wood products industry and environmental organizations. Come to learn more about the harms of illegal forest activity and how stemming it is a win-win for all.

For more information about this side meeting, contact Karen Oseland,

Tuesday, October 18th 2022
10:30 am to 11:30 am: CITES CoP 19: preview of draft decisions related to trees and forests
Hosted by CIEL (hybrid event)

This event will provide an assessment of current CITES tree listings and an overview of CoP19 tree proposals and key draft decisions related to trees and forests, highlighting progress and challenges. Extinction pressures are increasing, but so too are efforts to add entire genera of tree species to CITES, including Dalbergia spp. at CoP17 and Cedrela spp. at CoP18. All five proposals to add tree species to Appendix II at the November CoP19 include one or more genera. One additional proposal has been submitted to uplist Brazilwood (Paubrasilia echinata) to Appendix I. This event will provide lessons learned from implementation of current listings and look towards the future of CITES and trees.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Melissa Blue Sky, CIEL
  • Anne St. John, USFWS
  • Raphael Edou, EIA

For more information about this side meeting, contact Bo Li,

Thursday, October 20th 2022
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Raising Ambition on Nature Crime - A new collaborative initiative
Hosted by WRI, US Department of State, and NICFI (hybrid event)

This side event will explore the characteristics and extent of “nature crime,” focusing on crime convergence and how nature crime poses a critical obstacle to effective implementation of global biodiversity, climate and sustainable development objectives. It will also update participants on the development of an important new international initiative – the Nature Crime Alliance.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Moderator: Craig Hanson, WRI
  • Rannveig Formo, NICFI
  • Christine Dawson, US Department of State
  • TBC, EIA
  • Melissa Pinfield, Nature Crime Alliance Secretariat, Meridian Institute

For more information about this side meeting, contact Krista Karch,

Friday, October 21st 2022
9:00 am to 10:30 am: Independent Forest Monitoring in the Congo Basin: Taking Stock
Hosted by WRI (hybrid event)

WRI and partners REM and FLAG recently published a report summarizing over 10 years of experience in the Congo Basin with independent forest monitoring. This event will provide an opportunity for discussing the report recommendations on how to further strengthen and expand the independent forest monitoring model. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in French.

Confirmed speakers: 

  • Marie Vallée, WRI

For more information about this side meeting, contact Sophie Labaste,


El evento de este año se llevará a cabo y en las oficinas del WRI en Washington, D.C., con opción para participación a través de una plataforma virtual. El evento se enfocará en varios temas incluyendo: actualizaciones sobre las políticas que regulan el comercio de madera legal, los sistemas de alertas tempranas de deforestación, un enfoque regional en la Cuenca Amazónica, cambios en la cooperación internacional sobre la gobernanza forestal, las políticas propuestas para enfrentar la deforestación en cadenas de valor para productos de consumo por parte de los países consumidores, y los sistemas de trazabilidad de madera.

Martes, 18 de cctubre 
1:30 pm a 2:45 pm: Un enfoque regional en la Cuenca Amazónica: parte I 
3:15 pm a 5:00 pm: Un enfoque regional en la Cuenca Amazónica: parte 2 

Miércoles, 19 de octubre 2022
8:30 am a 10:00 am: Las politicas de legalidad en cadenas madera: Actualizaciones y novedades recientes  
10:30 am a 12:00 pm: La cooperación internacional en gobernanza forestal  
1:30 pm a 3:00 pm: Novedades en los sistemas de alertas tempranas de deforestación 
3:30 pm a 5:00 pm: Sistemas de trazabilidad de madera

Jueves, 20 de octubre 2022
8:30 am a 10:00 am: Políticas públicas para enfrentar la deforestación en cadenas de valor: Actualizaciones 

Actualizaciones sobre las distintas opciones regulatorias que se han propuesto en la Unión Europea, el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos, y presentaciones cortas para iniciar el dialogo sobre los desafíos que se necesitan superar incluyendo como involucrar a los pequeños productores, el dialogo con las entidades proveedoras, la armonizacion y alineamiento de propuestas politicas, y la transparencia, trazabilidad y monitoreo.

10:30 am a 12:00 pm: Políticas públicas para enfrentar la deforestación en cadenas de valor: Abordando desafíos en el diseño e implementación de políticas eficaces  

Panel de dialogo con representantes de distintos sectores (sociedad civil, sector privado y otros grupos de interes) respondiendo al panel anterior.


Cette année, la Semaine de la légalité forestière se déroulera en format hybride à Washington D.C., avec l’option de participer en ligne. La conférence sera notamment l’occasion de débattre des dernières évolutions en matière de réglementations sur la légalité forestière, de coopération internationale en matière de gouvernance forestière, de systèmes de détection d’alertes de déforestation, de politiques de lutte contre la déforestation dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement de produits de base ainsi que sur les systèmes de traçabilité du bois. La conférence s’ouvrira également par un focus régional sur l’Amazonie.  

Mardi 18 octobre 2022
13h30 à 14h45 : Focus régional sur l’Amazonie – partie 1  
15h15 à 17h00 : Focus régional sur l’Amazonie – partie 2  

Mercredi 19 octobre 2022
8h30 à 10h00 : Réglementations bois : mises à jour et évolutions   
10h30 à 12h00 : Coopération internationale en matière de la gouvernance forestière   
13h30 à 15h00 : Mise à jour sur les systèmes de détection dans le suivi du couvert forestier 
15h30 à 17h00 : Systèmes de traçabilité du bois

Jeudi 20 octobre 2022
8h30 à 10h00 : Quelles politiques pour les chaînes d’approvisionnement en produits de base : évolutions récentes   

Mises à jour sur les projets de réglementation de l’Union Européenne, du Royaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis, et présentations sur les défis qui doivent être relevés, y compris au niveau des petits exploitants, de l’harmonisation et l’alignement des politiques, ainsi que sur la transparence, la traçabilité et le suivi.

10h30 à 12h00 : Quelles politiques pour les chaînes d’approvisionnement en produits de base: relever les défis dans la conception et l’implémentation de politiques efficaces   

Table ronde avec des participants de secteurs divers (société civile, secteur privé, etc.)