Today BVRio Environmental Exchange launched the Responsible Timber Exchange, a trading platform seeking to assist traders and buyers of timber exercise due diligence through an integrated risk assessment system. For a video of how the platform works, click here.
The Responsible Timber Exchange aims to further facilitate the procurement of responsible timber products from all over the world in an efficient, cost effective, and secure way, to increase liquidity, supply and demand for this market segment, and to help promote transparency, legality and sustainability in the timber sector. The platform may be particularly useful to buyers and traders operating in Europe and the US, who have to ensure compliance with the EU Timber Regulation and the US Lacey Act.
The platform is ready to screen responsible timber products from the Brazilian Amazon and Indonesia (based on the recently issued FLEGT licenses), as well as FSC and PEFC certified products. The system is also fitted to screen timber from West Africa (beginning with Ghana) and Peru. Products from other sources can also be found in the Responsible Timber Exchange, and users will be able to contract due diligence services through the platform.
About BVRio
BVRio Responsible Timber Exchange (Portuguese) is an initiative of the BVRio Institute and BVRio Environmental Exchange. BVRio Institute is a non-profit association founded in 2011 with the objective to develop market mechanisms to facilitate compliance with Brazilian environmental laws. iBVRio was developed in collaboration with different state government agencies (including Amazonas, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, and Acre) and the Association of Environmental Public Attorneys (Abrampa), and has established partnerships with a number of civil society organizations. BVRio Environmental Exchange, was created to operate the markets developed by iBVRio through a multi-sector negotiations platform for environmental commodities developed specifically to serve the needs of developing countries. iBVRio is a Climate Action Leader of the R20 Regions for Climate Action initiative, received the Katerva Awards 2013 for Economy, and is a member of the Forest Legality Alliance.
Press contacts: Renato Costa, BVRio | (21) 3596-4006/4007